Student adventure activity tour Jaipur at Nahargarh Biological Park
Student Adventure tour

In these modern times, everything is technology driven, and no one seems to care about nature and healthy lifestyle. The modern day technology has made us highly dependent on it for every thing from day to day life style to the upbringing of children. We have forgotten our natural spaces, the eco based resources, organic- natural food, and what not.

Le Tour De India in its endeavor to bring nature and natural spaces closer to lives, make them more accessible and homely under its flagship program ” Something for Society” has been organizing many cycling events, especially for school kids and corporates. One such event was conducted on 10 Sep 16 for the students of – “Modern Defense Sr. Secondary School Shapura” at Nahargarh biological park to promote nature and eco tourism. The event was attended by 55 kids and teaching staff. This was a complete event in the wilderness of jungle with cycling, excursion, treasure hunt and various other activities with direct involvement under expert supervision, so as to experience and gain knowledge of wild life, birds, animals, plants, the eco system of Nahargarh biological park. The tour was completed with a message of the healthy, organic, sustainable and natural way of life.


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