Jaipur Pushkar Motorcycle Tour
Rajasthan Bike Tour

Well, it always is excitingly different to embark on ride on the two wheels, anywhere in the world. Adventure Motorcycle trip in Rajasthan. A tourney on the two wheels evokes almost similar emotions for the bike enthusiasts, choice of bikes can be different, place of wandering can be different, even partners in crime may change, but there is not the slightest doubt that the ride will be an all time hit, stories to remember and tell and the sense of freedom, it’s like flying in the open skies.

Dear friends, India is a paradise for bike wanderers, the vast kaleidoscope of routes, terrain, people, culture it throws at is nowhere to be found in the world. Rajasthan is one such place for these wandering souls, it throws everything at you on the road from lush green fields and plains to high mountains encircled by meandering roads, from rivers to desert, from forts to magnificent palaces, from man-made and natural lakes to dense forests inhabiting few of the most exciting species of animal world and what not. One such ride is Jaipur Pushkar, a ride from the Pink City to the holy town of Pushkar, the Mystic abode of Lord Brahma, the king of all the pilgrimage sites of Hinduism.

Jaipur Puchkar Motorbike tour

Jaipur is the capital city of Rajasthan, erstwhile Rajputana accessible from anywhere in the world with every kind of means of transportation with an International Airport of its own, Railways and a world class road network in Rajasthan. Delhi and Agra at a distance of stone’s throw make it all the way more convenient. For anyone traveling to India and Rajasthan, there is no way of missing Jaipur and its magnificence was in history and modern times are staying in sync. Pushkar, a small town in the lap of Aravalis, just around the corner of Ajmer (the resting place of Khawaja Moinuddin Chisti and Capital city of Great Prithvi Raj Chauhan). According to government data, this town is situated 14 km (8.7 mi) northwest of Ajmer at an average elevation of 510 m (1,670 ft). This town is also known as “Tirth Raj” (the king of pilgrimage sites). Pushkar is a very popular destination for foreign travelers. As per the Hindu religion believes, this is the residing place of the “Creator” Lord Brahma, and here is where ones pilgrimage, spiritual journey completes. Pushkar is quite a popular place among tourists from all walks of life because of the range of activities and experiences it provides. From sand dunes to mountains, lush green fields to ponds, from Camel fair to Horse fair probably one of its kind in the world, from Temples to Spiritual centers of various sects of Hinduism, the Brahmakumaris, the river side resorts, the local cuisine and there is no end to it. The Pushkar fair brings best of Pushkar and might be the best time of the year for a ride to this abode.

Pushkar tour packages

There is no dearth of means to reach Pushkar, and a plethora of options being provided by various tour operators makes it all the more complicating convenient to reach Pushkar from Jaipur. But there is none better than a motorcycle ride to the place exploring, wandering, experiencing freely every swish of the wind, riding along the face of the land. Take a detour leaving aside the highway and follow the interior route and a different world will greet you, a whole different experience, directly in conversation with the land, its people, culture where everything is royally regal. Stop at your will for pit stops, refreshment, pictures, interactions or whatever. And who better than the masters of the trade “LetourdeIndia” to hire for this magnificent ride. The team at letourdeIndia is familiar with the land inside-out and are die hard motorcycle enthusiasts. We at letourdeIndia are more of Wanderers than tour operators or tourists because with every trip around we explore new routes and facades of land, work around there, get everything in place and then ride the saddle. The trip can be customised instantly at any leg of the tourney it’s just that easy, with everything best in class and price tag, you bet!

The trip starts from Jaipur and leads to holy town of Pushkar
So, if you are planning a trip to Jaipur and Rajasthan this is one event trip which is not to be missed even if you are a casual tourist because this tourney is a whole different world of excitement, adventure, and freedom.
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