Gangaur Walk – 

Gangaur is a colourful women’s festival that is mainly celebrated in Rajasthan. It starts in spring and lasts up to 16 days in Rajasthan. It is the celebration of marital happiness and unmarried girls follow this ritual for being blessed with a good husband. The celebration reaches their zenith on the final day when beautifully dressed ladies do the final day pooja of Gangaur made of clay or wood and a royal Gangaur procession starts from City Palace along with beautifully decorated elephants, chariots and folk artists; which find its way through the Pink City and ends at talkatora.

Experience this plethora of culture, with Le Tour De India.


  • Walkthrough the streets when ladies are heading out of their houses in colourful attires.
  • Get your hands painted with traditional henna.
  • Experience the “Gangaur Pooja” with the family.
  • Get to taste very authentic lunch and delicious sweets.
  • Sing and dance along with the ladies, hear the regal tails about gangaur and its historical relevance.


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